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The True Facts C19

What That Means Is: "True Lies"

Writer: kenrdrysdalekenrdrysdale

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

For the first time on the webcast, your host Rosalie Drysdale, discusses the government messaging during the Pandemic with the Author of the Investigative Report Ken Drysdale.

This is a must see video, you will want to hear directly from Ken Drysdale what he found out during the creation of the Investigative Report.

Episode 5, Season One: "TRUE LIES"

This is the fifth in a multi part weekly podcast which does a deep dive into the Investigative Report. Each week we will present a new instalment in the multi part series of videos.

Episode Five examines the government's messaging. Find out what they were telling you, how they were telling it to you, and how that compared to the actual information, and did their messaging properly explain the risks and benefits of the options available.

Find out the incredible lack of proper information, transparency and honesty in the government statistics used to "inform" the public.

You will not believe what you will learn in this video.

Each video will be between 15 and 20 minutes long, and will explain the key elements of the 89 page report in simple to understand language, as brought to you by a variety of hosts and guest speakers.

These series of videos are crucial to your understanding of what happened, according to the actual statistics as published by Statistics Canada.

We welcome your feed back and comments.

You can download your free copy of the report from: www.the


10 則留言

Ken Drysdale
Ken Drysdale

Unfortunately most people are convinced that the common sense way to err on the side of caution is to support the reclassification of an experimental gene therapy to a proven safe vaccine, and that a blind faith and trust is our social responsibility. Forming the basis for this totalitarian beatdown of mandates that we are battling.



Ken Drysdale
Ken Drysdale

I Just watched episode 5. Its sinking in that they couldn’t tell the truth because people would know that they wouldn’t have to mask up and take the vaccines .What they did was use fear tactics .I remember watching refer trucks backed up to a morgue in New York before it came here .I think there were two trucks. They announced that they had so many dead in just a short time that they ran out of places to put the bodies. We were really afraid when we saw that. We saw no bodies as doors were closed , but it was implied the trucks were full. My co workers saw the same news ,we talked about it that mo…


Ken Drysdale
Ken Drysdale

I watched episode five x 4 times and have passed it on to many people. I wanted to thank you again for these podcasts, with all the time and effort that must be involved creating them. My main comment this time, is that I believe it is imperative for you Ken to be on the podcasts weekly with Rose. You are such an excellent speaker, and only you can deliver the message from the horses mouth, sort of speaking. That is my 2 cents worth this time. Bless you both,



Ken Drysdale
Ken Drysdale

That was a great break down!!! you two are a great team!! Might have to listen to it twice .. it’s a fountain of info on your charts…



Ken Drysdale
Ken Drysdale

The problem is that we can't get anyone to start the process of holding them accountable. We need leaders to start the process and to get the rest of involved. it is up to us to do this because they certainly won't. It's our choice to accept it going forward and never questioning things or stop it dead in it's tracks.


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