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The True Facts C19

Tuesday June 18, 2024: 6:30 pm (CST) Guest: Ken Drysdale

Writer's picture: kenrdrysdalekenrdrysdale

As we approach the much-anticipated Stronger Together Conference happening on June 21, 22, and 23, 2024, we invite you to join us for a crucial final overview during our Manitoba Stronger Together Tuesday Zoom call. This is your chance to get all the last-minute details and ensure you’re ready for an incredible weekend in Beausejour!

Click on the Image above to join the Zoom Meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 pm CST

Our Logo ... Want to Know More? Scroll to the Bottom of this page!

Keynote Speaker: Mr. Ken Drysdale

We are honored to have Mr. Ken Drysdale lead our discussion tonight. He will provide an in-depth review of the conference schedule, protocols, and the layout of the facility. Ken will also share the latest updates on ticket sales and the final revisions to our exciting lineup of speakers and panel discussions.

Gratitude to Our Volunteers and Speakers

This conference wouldn't be possible without the dedication and hard work of our numerous volunteers, speakers, and hosts. From planning and scheduling to arranging accommodations and transportation, dozens of individuals have contributed their time and effort. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each of you. Your commitment and generosity are the backbone of this event.

Important Information for Attendees

  • Brown Bagger Tickets: We have introduced the ultra-low-cost Brown Bagger Ticket, which includes access to all events but excludes meal services. This is a fantastic option for those looking to join us at a reduced cost.

  • Full Meal Tickets: A limited number of full meal tickets are still available, but they must be purchased within the next day due to catering deadlines. Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a complete conference experience.

  • Invite a Friend: Now is the perfect time to invite a friend or neighbor to join you at the conference. Let’s come together to share ideas and solutions for a stronger Canada.

Financial Overview

While the conference is currently in a slight deficit, any proceeds left over will be distributed to various participating freedom groups. A detailed financial report will be presented to the membership following the conference, ensuring transparency and accountability.

How to Join

Join us tonight for an inspiring session as we gear up for the Stronger Together Conference. This is your last chance to get involved, ask questions, and prepare for an unforgettable weekend. Let’s make this event a resounding success together!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Let's come together as a community to explore the issues that matter most to us and chart a path forward toward a stronger, more prosperous Canada. See you there!


This Weeks "Jam Packed" Agenda.

  1. Intro and Welcome to the MST Zoom Meeting (1 min)

    1. The meeting has a 60 minute time length

    2. We only Video Record Guest Presentation

    3. Respectful atmosphere at all times

    4. Guest speakers represent their own perspective, not necessarily the opinion os MST

    5. We provide an opportunity for diverse opinions

    6. Our meetings are intended to inform and to create community

  2. Welcome (New Members) (1 min)

  3. Social Media Reminders

    1. Video from Last Weeks Zoom is now online on our Video page:

    2. New Video About MST Conference:

    3. New video About MST Conference:

    4. Facebook:

    5. Twitter Feed: @MBStronger

    6. Rumble:

    7. Tik Tok: mbstrongertogether

  4. Presentation Cara McMinn (5 Min)

  5. Upcoming Events for this Week (40 Min)

    1. Stronger Together Conference update - Chairperson Rosalie Drysdale

      1. If you are going to come, please get your tickets now.

      2. We can sell Brown Bagger Ticets at the door, use cash, credit card or debit

      3. We have 4 information tables left

      4. We are still looking for short 2 minute videos from other groups

      5. Talk abut folks Billeting and Transporting

      6. Tickets are on sale from our website and through

      7. We will be sending all members a press kit that they should share.

      8. Shadoe Davis is hosting the "Panel Talks"

      9. Five Panel Talks with leading expert from around the country, topics include:

        1. Panel One Reclaiming Our Education System: Empowering Parents and Communities

        2. Panel Two.  Litigating for Liberty: Legal Challenges to Government Overreach

        3. Panel Three:  Navigating the Media Landscape: Communicating Our Message in a Hostile Environment:

        4. Panel Four Building Resilient Communities: Grassroots Activism and Local Solutions

        5. Panel 5:   Safeguarding Our Food Supply: Government Actions Putting Our Food Supply at Risk

        6. Panel 6: Ensuring a Prosperous Future

      10. Key Note Speakers have been annouced: It will be an intimate discussion with DeVaughn & Gal Harper.

      11. We are now annoucning that Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. Bill Coat will be jointing us on Satruday night.

      12. Guests and Panel Hosts are being announced on website, updates coming daily

      13. Website Page:

      14. Location: Brokenhead Community Centre; Beausejour, Manitoba,

      15. Promo Video Updated:

      16. Information packages are continuing to be sent our by our intrepid volunteers.

      17. Demo of the Conference Assistant.

      18. We sent out information kits to each of the participants concerning panel operations and media access

      19. Here is a copy of the Press Kit for you to Download:

    2. I will have 30 copies of Volumes 1 & 2 of the NCI Report available for sale at the conference, $60.00 including GST for the set. That is $5 off retail price, I will be avaialable to autograph them as well.

  6. Wins of the Week (5)

    1. #1 Pick of the week Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was one of the first doctors to sound the alarm on the massive deaths and disabilities that would come from the CV19 “vaccine.”  She was right, but that did not stop the Ohio Medical Board from suspending her license.  Dr. Tenpenny recently had her medical license restored, and she did not have to make a single retraction about warnings she gave about the C-19 bioweapon vax.  Now, Dr. Tenpenny is sounding the alarm again and telling people NOT to take the new experimental “Bird Flu” vax. Dr. Tenpenny says to expect more deaths and injuries from this medical malpractice, too.  Dr. Tenpenny explains, “This is democide.  Democide is death by government.  I hope people remember that and will not be fooled by the next round of scare tactics that they are starting to ramp up about the Bird Flu.  They tried this with the Marburg virus.  They tried it with Ebola.  They tried it with Monkey Pox.  Now, they are trying it with Bird Flu. . . . Back in 2005, I actually wrote a book called ‘Foul Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think.’  I am going to be updating it and re-releasing it in a couple of weeks.  It was an historical book, and I was writing it in real time back in 2005.  What they are doing now is the same thing except the difference is they are coming after our food supply.

    2. #2 Pick of the week A top medical journal has been caught covering up a bombshell study that found conclusive evidence proving that Covid mRNA vaccines cause cancer.The study was peer-reviewed and published in late 2021 but quickly scrubbed when health officials realized the information would make the public reject the mass vaccination agenda. Experts are now warning that countless lives could have been saved had they known that the shots would trigger a global cancer epidemic. Viruses, published by MDPI, retracted the study in 2022, despite objections by the lead author, Ya-Fang Mei, Ph.D., of Sweden’s Umeå University.

    3.  #3 Pick of the week The board dismissed Mr. Alexander’s assertions that he was being discriminated against because of his Christian beliefs, adding that it was his behaviour rather than his religious beliefs that were an issue. The Renfrew County Catholic District School Board, in its decision, said it denied Mr. Alexander’s appeal and upheld the exclusion order from school because the teen “continued to pose a safety risk.” “While individuals are entitled to their religious beliefs, opinions and views, what they are not entitled to do is act in the manner that disrespects, discriminates, insults, denigrates, harasses, bullies or otherwise creates an unsafe environment for any person in the school,” the board said in its written decision.   The Ontario Superior Court of Justice recently overruled the board in its bid to keep its findings private and the decision has since been published. The ruling came after Mr. Alexander’s lawyer, James Kitchen, filed an application with the court in February.   Mr. Kitchen said the school board’s decision reflects an ideological “fantasy world” where the expression of a faith-based opinion could be termed “unsafe.”

  7. General Discussion, Ken Calls on You. (8 min)


Stronger Together Conference news


Vist our Events Page for more Information:

Conference Schedule:

Friday, June 21, 2024

  • 12:00 pm:     Booth Set Up for Registered Organizations

  •   3:00 pm:    Delegates Registration

  •   5:30 pm:    Welcome Delegates; Rosalie Drysdale; Dinner Service Start

  •   6:10 pm:     Program Kicks off with Special Video Presentation with Theme Song: "People Get Ready"

  •   6:30 pm:    Opening Remarks: Ken Drysdale

  •   7:10 pm:      Delegate Meet & Greet, Live Music with James Creasey, Bar Service

  •   8:15 pm:      Wrap Up and Good Night

  •   8:30 pm:        Closing 


Saturday, June 22, 2024

  • 8:00  am:     Continental Breakfast

  • 9:00 am:     Welcome to Delegates; Chris Riddell

  • 9:15 am:      Panel One

​                          Reclaiming Our Education System: Empowering Parents and Communities:

                          Moderated: Shadoe Davis

  • 10:45 am:     Coffee / Visit organization Info Booths

  • 11:00 am:      Frontline Perspectives: Insights from Freedom Leaders 10 Speakers x 10 mins Each

  • 12:40 pm:     Lunch Service / Mix Mingle / Visit Booths

  • 1:30 pm:       Panel Two

                           Litigating for Liberty: Legal Challenges to Government Overreach:

                           Moderated: Shadoe Davis

  • 3:00 pm:       Coffee / Visit organization Info Booths

  • 3:15 pm:      Panel Three:

                           Navigating the Media Landscape:

                           Communicating Our Message in a Hostile Environment:

                           Moderated: Shadoe Davis

  • 4:45 pm:      Breakout Time: Mix & Mingle, Visit organization Info booths, bar open

  • 5:45 pm:      Buffet Dinner Start (Live Music)

  • 6:45 pm:   Keynote Speakers: Meghan, DeVaughn & Gal Harper;

  •                     The Story of Garnet Harper, With Commentary by Dr. Mark Trozzi & Dr. Bill Code

                           A Canadian Hero, A Canadian Tragedy, Justice Denied

  • 7:30 pm:       Delegate Meet & Greet, Live Music (Walle Larson), Bar Service

  • 8:15 pm:       Wrap Up and Good Night

  • 8:30 pm:      Closing 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

  • 8:00  am:     Continental Breakfast

  • 8:30 am:      Sunday Morning Devotional: Emilie Carothers - Smith (optional)

  • 9:00 am:      Welcome to Delegates

  • 9:15 am:       Panel Four

                            Building Resilient Communities: Grassroots Activism and Local Solutions

                            Moderated: Shadoe Davis

  • 10:45 am:     Coffee / Visit organization Info Booths

  • 11:00 am:      Panel Five

                              Safeguarding Our Food Supply: Government Actions Putting Our Food Supply at Risk

                           Moderated: Shadoe Davis

  • 11:45 am:      Panel 6

                           Ensuring a Prosperous Future: An Intimate Conversation

                           Moderated: Shadoe Davis

  • 12:00 pm:     Lunch Service / Mix Mingle / Visit Booths

  • 2:00 pm.      Official Closing of Events, Farewell to Delegates

Note:  Final Agenda Subject to Change, Please Visit This Page Often for Updates.

Current List of Organizations with Information Booths (20 total available):



Please join on time, we start and finish on time.

Usually I am in the chat ten minutes before the start of the meeting!


Information for First Timers!


Unite and Ignite: Join us for our Engaging Tuesday Evening Gathering!

At Manitoba Stronger Together, we deeply value our members' time and commitment to our cause. As a testament to this respect, we have made a dedicated effort to keep our weekly Tuesday evening meetings strictly to 60 minutes.

We understand the importance of balancing civic engagement with other responsibilities in our members' lives. By efficiently utilizing this time, we ensure that each minute spent in the meeting is productive, purposeful, and impactful. Our commitment to maintaining a concise and engaging gathering exemplifies our dedication to empowering our community without imposing unnecessary burdens on our valued members. Together, we maximize the value of each moment, propelling our mission forward and creating a united front for a stronger and prosperous Manitoba.


What You Can Expect at Our Meetings?

1. Warm Welcomes and Introductions:

Our meetings begin with warm smiles and enthusiastic introductions, as new faces join familiar ones. The spirit of camaraderie and shared purpose fills the air, reminding us of the power of coming together as one.

2. Update on Progress:

The leadership team shares the latest developments within our organization. We are elated to report significant growth in our membership numbers, reaffirming our belief in the importance of responsible governance and community empowerment.

3. A Dynamic Guest Speaker:

Each evening we welcome a special guest speaker who speaks to our membership about topics that are of special interest. Their expertise sheds light on critical issues affecting our province, urging us to keep striving for a better tomorrow.

Do you know someone who would be a great guest speaker? Email us with the name and contact information.

4. Open Dialogue and Discussion:

One of the highlights of the evening is the lively and engaging discussion that follows the guest presentation. Members actively share their insights, opinions, and ideas on pressing subjects that demand our attention. Through respectful dialogue, we reinforce the importance of transparent communication and active civic participation. Remember our 60 minute Deadline! If you cannot speak this week, there is always next, and you can contact us by email through the website.

5. Building Solidarity:

Throughout these meetings, the sense of solidarity is encouraged, fuelling our commitment to fostering a united Manitoba. We discovered that, like the bison herds that once roamed freely, our collective strength lies in standing together, unyielding in the face of challenges.

6. Embracing the Road Ahead:

With each meeting you will feel your spirit soar with the knowledge that we are on the right path. Together, we are building a movement that empowers citizens and redefines the political landscape. The journey may be challenging, but we stand unwavering, ready to create a brighter future for our beloved province.

Join Us Next Tuesday, and every Tuesday:

We extend a heartfelt invitation to all citizens who share our vision of responsible governance, community empowerment, and unity. Our Tuesday regular meetings are more than just gatherings; they are catalysts for positive change.


Exciting news at Manitoba Stronger Together!

We have recently added a dynamic "Schedule of Events" section on our homepage (bottom of page), where you can conveniently review and stay updated on our upcoming guest speakers and other important gatherings. This schedule serves as your go-to resource for planning your engagement with our community.

While we are diligently working on optimizing the schedule for mobile devices, we encourage you to view it on a desktop or tablet for the best experience.

Together, we look forward to exploring a multitude of impactful events that unite us in our mission for responsible governance and community empowerment. Mark your calendars, and let's embark on this journey together!

We can also use this schedule to update members on upcoming events that our membership may be participating in.


What Our Logo Means

The logo for Manitoba Stronger Together incorporates elements that symbolize unity, community, and the strength of the bison.

  1. Bison Icon: Is a silhouette of a stylized representation of a bison, symbolizing strength, resilience, and unity. The bison is depicted in a side stance, representing progress and moving together as a community.

  2. The vertical stripes: represent that the movement includes all people from all walks of life, all beliefs and all political affiliations.

  3. The Horizontal Connecting Lines: across the bison represent the connections and interdependence of community members, emphasizing the concept of being stronger together.

  4. Blue Tones: The blue in the logo design represents growth, harmony, and the natural beauty of Manitoba's landscapes.

  5. Dynamic Font: We choose a strong and modern bold font for the organization's name "Manitoba Stronger Together" to convey a sense of confidence and forward-thinking.


Let us continue to unite, ignite our passions, and work towards building a stronger and united Manitoba. Together, we will shape the future we want and deserve.

Keep an eye out for our next meeting announcement, and let us walk this transformative journey as one!

Stay united, stay empowered, and stay strong!

In solidarity,

The Manitoba Stronger Together Team



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