Wow, a member of Parliament who is actually taking the side of the Canadian People. Congratulation Mr. Falk! You should watch this short video of Mr. Falk speaking in Parliament about the Government response to C19!
Please take the time to email Member of Parliament Falk and thank him for representing the People.
Hey MP Bezan.........

Though I'm in full agreement with Mr. Falk on the issue of the unrestrained abuse of our inalienable rights, I disagree that this was a wrong response to a deadly virus...there was no such virus threat and no response of any kind was required.
This really was no different than other flu seasons, except for the MSM hype, gaslighting and terrorism that was used to create a perceived emergency, precisely for the purpose undermining our individual rights. This was not a response to a virus, it was a totalitarian coup on our fundamental rights meant to render the population compliant & coercing them to willingly embark into a communist dictatorship. This was not a health issue, it was fraud.
Wow 🤩 Than you so much for Speaking up and defending Canadian s !! These were Crimes Against Humanity and should be responsible
Wonderful he is a hero in my book. So many questions and I don’t think they will ever answer any on them or admit that they were wrong. No pandemic amnesty from me. Australian politicians are just as accountable.
Thank you Ken.
This is what I call elected officials doing their due diligence for the people. Hats off to this one! Let’s see more follow suit and do the right thing. There are still those who have brains so you are not going to be able to fool all the people all the time.
Answer from Ted Falk to letter written by R
Dear R,
Thanks for taking the time to write me with your words of encouragement.
As you may already know, Conservatives have remained vigilant in our efforts but other parties have not voted with us. Since the beginning, I have continued to question decisions of government overreach.
I appreciated having the opportunity to ask my questions on record.
Again, thanks for reaching out.
Ted Falk
Member of Parliament for Provencher
9A-90 Brandt St.
Steinbach, MB R5G 0T3
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